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Version: 1.2.x

Room Class Properties - Flutter


  • type: String

  • Unique id of the room where the participant has joined.


  • type: String?

  • It will be the id of the participant who is actively speaking in the room. If no participant is speaking, at that time value of activeSpeakerId will be null.


  • type: String?

  • It will be the id of the participant who started Presenting / Screen sharing in the room. If no participant is sharing the screen, at that time value of activePresenterId will be null.


  • type: bool
  • It indicates if camera device is enabled or not.


  • type: String?
  • It will be the id of camera device, which is currently selected.


  • type: VideoDeviceInfo
  • It will be the object of the camera device, which is currently selected.


  • type: bool
  • It indicates if microphone device is enabled or not.


  • type: String?
  • It will be the id of microphone, which is currently selected.


  • type: AudioDeviceInfo
  • It will be the object of the microphone device, which is currently selected.


  • type: Participant

  • It will be the instance of Participant class for the local participant(You) who joined the room.


  • type: Map of String and Participant

  • Map<String, Participant>

  • It will contain all joined participants in the room except the localParticipant.

  • This will be the Map what will container all participants attached with the key as id of that participant.

String remoteParticipantId = "ajf897";

Participant? remoteParticipant = room.participants[remoteParticipantId];


  • type: Map of String and ParticipantPinState

  • Map<String, ParticipantPinState>

    • Map<participantId, ParticipantPinState>
  • It will contain all participants who are pinned in the room.

  • This will be the Map which will contain all participant who are currently pinned's pin state attached with the key as id of that


  • type: String

  • It will return the state of HLS for the room.


  • type: String

  • It will return the state of Live stream for the room.


  • type: String

  • It will return the state of Recording for the room.


  • type: String?

  • It will return the downstream URL for the ongoing HLS of the room if any.


  • type: PubSub
  • It is used to enable Publisher-Subscriber feature in room class.

Learn more about PubSub, here


  • type: String?
  • It will be the id of the speaker, which is currently selected.


  • type: AudioDeviceInfo
  • It will be the object of the speaker device, which is currently selected.

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